Jumat, 30 November 2007

Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1


Changes in Version 8.0.1:
- Fixed pre-configuration specifications to improve performance (Removed unstable applications from list)
- Fixed TrueTransparency's stability (some settings in skin causing input hook problems)
- Fixed Visualtooltip configuration when user accidently deletes the configuration files in there
- Removed backup files' status and put CPU model instead (obsolete checking)
- Updated system files' status report to "Out of sync" and repairing system files information
- Updated user account configuration system for more subtle performance

Changes in Version 8.0:
- Added CPU Speed information in Welcome Center
- Added saving setup information file to save setup configuration for later uses with unattended transformation support
- Added installation background
- Added "System optimized" in Setup Configuration to configure the user account corresponding to machine's spec
- Added TrueTransparency 0.8.5 (Glass border with ported AeroStyle skin)
- Added WinFlip 0.42 (Vista 3DFlip)
- Fixed KB925902 hotfix issues with file processing animation
- Fixed Media Center program execution error
- Fixed rebuilding icon cache bug on non-current users during the processes
- Fixed Styler's installation checking bug (always set toolbar to styler mode when possible)
- Fixed failing to apply Vista screensaver
- Fixed program name in Add/Remove Programs
- Fixed subscribing Windows X's shrine to be default homepage bug in Welcome Center
- Fixed visualtooltip's advanced configuration bug
- Fixed WindowBlinds 6 skin installation compatibility
- Moved hotfix warning to user guide file to prevent confusion
- Re-arranged welcome dialog for richer information
- Replaced Extras in Welcome Center with Community link to forum
- Removed configuring user account's status report
- Removed obsolete dialogs (WindowBlinds warning, Before transformation, Donation, FAQ and Q&A)
- Removed Vista Live Messenger 8.1 skin
- Updated Setup Configuration in Welcome Center to cover on everything
- Updated setup transformation to pre-configure current user account before finishing the transformation
- Updated theming engine configuration
- Updated Vista Sidebar to version 2.3 Lite
- Updated Vista Sidebar user account configuration in Welcome Center
- Updated ViStart to build 2661
- Updated ViOrb to version 2.0
- Updated VisualTooltip to version 2.2
- Updated Welcome Center to pre-configure user account with system optimized option on the first run in that user account

Homepage - http://www.windowsxlive.net

500 Games Java untuk ukuran Layar 240x320

Game Pack Java buat Hape yg mempunyai layar breresolusi 240X320 seperti: 6270, 6280, 6300, 6230i, dll.
Tapi, Game ini tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk dimainkan di Hape Symbian. Tentunya yg mempunyai Resolusi 240X320 pixel.

Kamis, 29 November 2007

Unlocker Nokia 1200 dan 1208

Setelah sekian lama menjadi momok tehnisi dalam hal perbaikan software salah satu Hape murah Nokia ini, akhirnya muncul juga software buat unlock Nokia 1200
Seperti hal 1110

Minggu, 25 November 2007

DKU-5 to C2601

Karena ada yg request skema Kabel data Huawei yg langsung DKU-5 to C2601, aq posting cara menggabungkan

klik gambar untuk detail


Sabtu, 24 November 2007

Disassembly 8600

Disassembly 5700

Bagian Atas

Bagian Bawah

Port tambahan pada UFS box

Trik ini berguna buat yg punya Port USB terbatas. selain itu juga untuk membuat JAF P-key jadi awet, karena gak bongkar pasang.
gambar berikut aq pasang JAF P-key dlm UFS box.
2 port USB yg ada di luar UFS box tetap berfungsi sebagai mana mestinya. dalam hal ini biasanya aq pake sah satu untuk Box JAF. dan satunya lagi aq pake buat box lain.
Trik ini udah aq pake -/+ 5 bulanan dgn aman terkendali

klik Gambar untuk detailnya

klik Gambar untuk detailnya

Semoga bermanfaat..

Link Firmware resume support

Link Firmware yg bisa resume neh..

3109c RM-274

- RM-274_DP20_1.00_sw-05.30.exe 20.7 Mb

- RM-274_DP20_1.10_sw-05.30.exe 13.47 Mb

- RM-274_DP20_2.00_sw-05.50.exe 20.6 Mb

3110c RM-237

- RM-237_DP20_1.00__sw-04.91.exe 33.59 Mb

- RM-237_DP20_2.00__sw-05.01.exe 39.47 Mb

- RM-237_DP20_2.10__sw-05.01.exe 10.1 Mb

- RM-237_DP20_3.00__sw-05.50.exe 29.6 Mb

- RM-237_DP20_3.10__sw-05.50.exe 30.4 Mb

3250 RM-38
- RM-38_EMEA_APAC_10.00.exe 289 Mb

- RM-38_EMEA_APAC_CHINA_LTA_11.00.exe 146.51 Mb

- RM-38_EMEA_APAC_CHINA_LTA_11.03.exe 35.3 Mb

- RM-38_EMEA_APAC_LTA_13.00.exe 152.57 Mb

- RM-38_CareDP_15.0.exe (v4.40) 91.75 Mb

- RM-38_CareDP_17.0_MCUSW4.60.exe 57.8 Mb

3500с RM-272
- RM-272_DP20_1.00_sw-05.51.exe 31.7 Mb

5200 RM-174

- RM-174_DP20_2.00_sw-03.92.exe 35.18 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_2.20__sw-03.92.exe 12.4 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_3.00__sw-04.71.exe 19.2 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_3.10__sw-04.71.exe 21.2 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_4.00__sw-05.00.exe 44.5 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_4.10__sw-05.00.exe 15 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_4.20__sw-05.00.exe 10.1 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_5.00__sw-05.50.exe 44.1 Mb

- RM-174_DP20_5.10__sw-05.50.exe 20.9 Mb

5300 RM-146

- RM-146_DP20_2.00__sw-03.92.exe 39.9 Mb

- RM-146_DP20_2.20__sw-03.92.exe 23.95 Mb

- RM-146_DP20_3.00__sw-04.70.exe 18.89 Mb

- RM-146_DP20_3.20__sw-04.70.exe 20.6 Mb

- RM-146_DP20_4.00__sw-05.00.exe 41.7 Mb

- RM-146_DP20_4.10__sw-05.00.exe 23.72 Mb

- RM-146_DP20_5.00__sw-05.50.exe 42 Mb

5310 RM-303
- RM-303_DP20_1.00_sw-03.60 37.3 Mb

5500 RM-86 (Sport)

- RM-86_Global_5.0.exe (v3.55) 288.94 Mb

- RM-86_Global_5.01.exe (v3.55) 34.5 Mb

- RM-86_EMEA_APAC_11.0.exe 136.19 Mb

- RM-86_CareDP_13.0_EMEA_APAC.exe 73.83 Mb

- RM-86_CareDP_15.0_EMEA_APAC_MCU_4.60.exe 41.7 Mb

5610 RM-242
- RM-242_v4.0_MCUSW_4.20.exe 126 Mb

5700 RM-230
- RM-230_EMEA_1.00.exe 233.16 Mb

- RM-230_CareDP_7.00_EMEA_APAC_SW_3.83.exe 174 Mb

- RM-230_CareDP_7.01_EMEA_APAC_SW_3.83.exe 52.2 Mb

- RM-230_EMEA_5.00.exe 137 Mb

Sementara ini dulu, ntar aq tambahain lagi.
masih banyak..

Selanjutnya 6085