Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Software : Motorola Skin Installer Package

Motorola Skin Installer Package

This is a Motorola Skin Installer Package which includes:
* Motorola Driver
* P2k commander
* Skins Manager

1. Connect the phone to the cable and open Skinmanager: It should auto connect and will say reading files.
2.Once it finished,click Install.
3. Navigate to the skin you want and click Open.
4. The skin will now begin to install. Depending on the size of the skin it could take a minute to install.
5. The program will auto-install the wallpaper as well in the uploading process.
6. Your skin is now installed
7. After everything uploads click Skins, More, Restart phone.
8. Disconnect the phone after restart and enjoy your new skin.